About Auroar's Degree College


About Aurora's Degree College

Ragging is a cognizable and punishable offence.

Any student found indulging in ragging will be dealt with severely as per the existing orders. It is to be noted that the Government of A.P has banned within or outside the college ragging in professional colleges, vide prohibition of Ragging Act, 1997. An extract of the ragging act is given below.

Ragging Act includes words either spoken / written or signs / sounds / gestures / visible representation. Ragging means doing an act which causes or is likely to cause insult / annoyance of fear / apprehension / threat / intimidation/ outrage of modesty / injury to a student.

General Regulations

Respect for Persons and Property

The College expects all members of the College community to respect the dignity, freedom, and rights of others. Violence in word or deed against another; incitement or provocation to violence; conduct that exploits or coerces another; theft or the destruction of another's property; prevention of another's free expression of ideas by intimidation, abuse, or physical force; defamation; violation of another's privacy; unauthorized entry and, specifically, uninvited hostile presence in another's room or office, are all considered serious offenses. Any one offense may lead to disciplinary proceedings with penalties up to and including suspension or expulsion. Where verbal or physical altercation has occurred, where harassment or Raging has been alleged, or where otherwise deemed appropriate under the circumstances, the deans have authority to issue a "no contact" order to the persons involved, whether or not disciplinary action is taken. Refusal to adhere to the order after notification of its terms, which notification may be verbal, may lead to disciplinary proceedings, up to and including suspension or expulsion. The College has adopted a statement on harassment, which states the College's opposition to any form of sexual, racial, ethnic, religious, or other forms of harassment, as prohibited by the College's policies. It also sets forth procedures to be followed in the event of an incident of such harassment.


The College prohibits ragging activities, whether by an individual or an organization.

Conduct may be considered Ragging if it:

  • Endangers the mental health, physical well being, safety, or rights of any individual;
  • Is intended to or is reasonably likely to result in humiliation, physical or emotional injury, or
  • Leads to violation of AURORA College policies.

Conduct is still ragging even if the person against whom the ragging was directed consented to or acquiesced in the ragging activity. Examples of prohibited individual/group activities include but are not limited to the following:

  • Requiring participation in activities that by design do not allow adequate time for study;
  • Requiring the use of alcohol in any process or activity;
  • Requiring nudity at any time;
  • Throwing substances or objects at individuals with intent to harm;
  • Vandalizing, defacing, or stealing any property;
  • Verbal abuse or threatening physical harm;
  • Assigning unreasonable chores;
  • Forcing a person to eat something against his or her will; or
  • Requiring excessive exercise.
  • Raging activity may lead to disciplinary proceedings with penalties up to and including suspension or expulsion. Raging may also lead to the termination of a student organization.

Respect for the Educational Function of the College

Any disruption of the educational function of the College is considered a serious offense, which may lead to disciplinary proceedings and carry a maximum penalty of dismissal.

Respect for College Officials

AURORA College vests many individuals with specific duties and authority to effect the purposes of the institution. Faculty; deans; administrative, custodial, dining, and library staff; Public Safety officers; junior counselors; resident assistants; are all College officials with authority commensurate with their duties. Failure to respect the lawful authority of College officials may result in disciplinary action. Students are expected to identify themselves by showing their College identification card upon request of College officials.